quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009

Pizza Masters!

Agora que já sabemos mais vocabulário acerca da alimentação resolvemos ser criativos e criar as nossas próprias pizzas. Leiam e fiquem com àgua na boca. Somos uns cozinheiros de primeira!

The Summer Pizza has got tuna, ketchup, olives and bacon. It’s delicious. (Matilde)

The Incredible Pizza has got chicken, onions, cheese, olives, bacon, red and green pepper, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes and ham. It’s really big! (Tiago)

The Various Pizza has got ham, cheese, corn, sausages and tuna. It’s my favourite!(Daniela)

The Delicious Pizza has got bread, corn, mushrooms, olives and red pepper.(Sofia)

The Incredible Pizza has got sausages, mushrooms, ketchup, olives, corn, pineapple and bacon. It’s fantastic! (Inês)

The Picante Pizza has got tomato, egg, sausages and cheese. It’s my favourite. (Ana)

The “Incredaval” Pizza has got ketchup, green pepper, tuna, cheese, sausages, mushrooms, onions. It’s a delicious pizza! (Bárbara)

The Pizza à Alexandra has got tuna, mushrooms, chicken, olives, onions, sausages, bread, maionese and ketchup. It’s a delicious pizza. (Alexandra)

The Fantastic pizza has got ketchup, mushrooms, chicken, onions and tomatoes. It’s delicious! (André)

1 comentário:

  1. Olá professora tenho muitas saudades.
    As atividades que fazíamos era espectacular.
    Bjs da sua antiga aula.
